
Showing posts from June, 2018

Oh how it is so much more than kicking a ball!

Brazil eats, sleeps and drinks football. It lives football! – Pele   It’s a funny old saying isn’t it ‘ the beautiful game’ , one that often provokes huge debate and sighs from those, who just simply do not understand the love affair millions have with football often labelling it as ‘ just a game’. However to others, it is a way of life, it is all some have ever known, it provides opportunities, friendship and yes, the so-called ‘ beautiful game’ has even caused tears to plummet down heartbroken faces across the globe. As the FIFA World Cup is now upon us, these emotions will only increase. Those who label it as ‘ just a game’ perceptibly are not opening their minds to realise that the sport of football, simply put is the most absolute, powerful way of uniting opposed communities globally, regardless of their background. It stops current conflict, potential conflict, creates the most unlikely friendships, generates the unthinkable… and this why. December 25 th 1914, also kno